Whoa Fire!
Man... my eyes are BURNING. I'm suppose to take my 2nd to last Latin test over unit four (Chapters 18-21) and whoa... I'm so lost on it.. I've been studying for about 3 1/2 hours straight tonight. I have studied it before, of course. I should've studied it harder over the weekend.. but Satuday.. I just fell asleep and didn't wake up.. so I guess I needed the sleep and Sunday I hung out at youth pretty much all day after church and then went to Laura Foley's piano concert (AMAZING BTW!!) so... My weekend just slipped on by..

hmmm So I think I'm going to take the test on Wednesday because seriously, I need one more day... well technically I would like another week to digest the material, but I know that is impossible.. hmm.!

Ehh so I "attempted" several times to delete my Myspace.. yeah.. not working.. I dunno.

***HEY!!! MOVIES ON THURDAY!! We're going to go see 'I am Legend" at 9:35pm!!! My sissy saw it and said that it was very bitter and sad... which means... all my friends will be priviledged to see me cry my eyes out! hehe :) Aren't they special??

I'm so tired..

Well more of a lonely/brain hurting/cold kind of feeling.

Oi, but I'm not sleepy.. just burnt out on Latin

Okay, enough of computer for me tonight because my eyes can't take it.

posted by Emmerzz @ Monday, December 17, 2007  
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Location: Harrodsburg, KY, United States

Hey, I'm Emily!! I'm a senior at Mercer County Senior High. (I <3 lead singers hehe) I love to paint, play music, swim, and play SOFTBALL. Varsity baby~! My life is pretty interesting.. I really do love it. I'm opening up a visual art studio soon - Studio Firefly in the Fort Harrod Motel. Yay! I'll keep you alerted!!

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Kelsey, Amberly, Jessica, Natasha, Nikki, Casey, Conner, Staci, Hannah, Savannah, Alisha, Sarah

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