Tonight Sissy and I are going to go see Enchanted in the Paducah Cinemark. :] I'm excited because I have a lot of energy and I can finally go do something today!! (I'll edit post later and tell you all about it!)

But anyways, Enchanted is guarenteed to be magical, mushy, cheesy, romantic, and fluffy, along with prolly have some hot guys in the cast. Soooo I'm all ready for it. WooHoo! That's what makes a good movie! (Well, a good sissy and sissy movie! <3)

Later tater because Emily is going out~!

[ __E D I T E D__ ]

Oh man... Enchanted really was amazing and the exact movie that I needed to see tonight because it warmed my heart wayyy up this Christmas. It was so magical - I could care less if it wasn't practical or logic.. it was perfect.

I'm a sucker for happily-ever-after..
posted by Emmerzz @ Tuesday, December 25, 2007  
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Location: Harrodsburg, KY, United States

Hey, I'm Emily!! I'm a senior at Mercer County Senior High. (I <3 lead singers hehe) I love to paint, play music, swim, and play SOFTBALL. Varsity baby~! My life is pretty interesting.. I really do love it. I'm opening up a visual art studio soon - Studio Firefly in the Fort Harrod Motel. Yay! I'll keep you alerted!!

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Fav. Girls <3
Kelsey, Amberly, Jessica, Natasha, Nikki, Casey, Conner, Staci, Hannah, Savannah, Alisha, Sarah

Fav. Boys <3
Philip, Roger, Justin, Stash, Marcus, Milam, Bugg

More.. later :)
