Tonight Sissy and I are going to go see Enchanted in the Paducah Cinemark. :] I'm excited because I have a lot of energy and I can finally go do something today!! (I'll edit post later and tell you all about it!)

But anyways, Enchanted is guarenteed to be magical, mushy, cheesy, romantic, and fluffy, along with prolly have some hot guys in the cast. Soooo I'm all ready for it. WooHoo! That's what makes a good movie! (Well, a good sissy and sissy movie! <3)

Later tater because Emily is going out~!

[ __E D I T E D__ ]

Oh man... Enchanted really was amazing and the exact movie that I needed to see tonight because it warmed my heart wayyy up this Christmas. It was so magical - I could care less if it wasn't practical or logic.. it was perfect.

I'm a sucker for happily-ever-after..
posted by Emmerzz @ Tuesday, December 25, 2007   1 comments
Some day this turned out to be.
Well, the day is great... I'm just driving myself crazy - nothing new or exotic. So don't expect some amazing birds to fly out of your harddrive from visiting this page.. yeah.

So, Christmas was awesome. On Saturday we open up our family's presents, Sunday we went to my Dad's parents, and yesterday and now we are in Paducah celebrating with my mom's side. When we visit down here we usualy stay a few nights. Nothing new.

I got a bunch of those amazingly soft socks, art stuff, jewelry, and some other misc. stuffs. I didn't really want anything.. so I'm happy with all that I recieved. Man.. I almost forgot to mention my new penguin pj's! I love them, they're so soffftttt. :]

Well, as I sit here pondering the meaning of my life..

Ehh.. not really, I'm just procrastination on some stuff because it's hard to concentrate on what you need to concentrate on when you keep thinking about things and whatnot.. then you start driving yourself down a hole. Sheesh, it's dark down there and I keep forgetting to bring new batteries for my flashlight. So, I guess I'm stuck for now. Fluffy bunny rabbits. Whatever.

One thing that has been on my mind - is my blogspot layout believe-it-or-not, the saying "Contrast makes reality" really hits me hard. It puts even more emphasis on the balance spectrum - with every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Lately I've been hanging out with people that literally make my close friends gag. Why am I not on the same page as my buddies? Truth is, Contrast makes Reality. I didn't know what those kind of people were like until I had first hand quality time with them and so now I can positively say: I cannot stand them. Want me to be a little more specific?? I think people that smoke, do pot, get high and whatnot, drink as a hobby, and are into all sorts of trash are very DISGUSTING. I don't care what personality you SAY you have. Truth behold - your actions are a RESULT of what goes on in your head. Cut the crap. Actions do define you.


But I don't want anything to do with you..

Maybe, you do need to be judgemental for once and really look at your life..

Heck, look at my life for all I care.

And what you will find.. is that Contrast makes Reality

Two worlds... that are fighting for their own little respect in the life spectrum.

And we're all a part of it. We're both right, we're both wrong. But as I have the right to like you, I also have the right to have no respect for you.

you people make me SICK
posted by Emmerzz @ Tuesday, December 25, 2007   0 comments
Whoa, lead singer of THREE DAYS GRACE is amazing. Seriously! He's perfection in a male body. Wowww... I really like staring at him. Sounds strange, but I'm being serious.. and here I thought that my Supernatural boys where it.. wow

Anyways, my favorite music video of him is "Home" (only want him to loose the facial hair hehe) and in "Pain" he looks completely dark and pulls it off very nicely. If I was a cartoon... I'd be drooling. (A lot a lot)

Did I mention that his voice is...

Well, I love his voice.

Too bad he's married.. shame. :(

HEY! I found a music video to Supernatural to the song "Time of Dying" by Three Days Grace...!! AWESOME I'm so happy now. <3

Click for youtube video!!

posted by Emmerzz @ Tuesday, December 18, 2007   0 comments
I <3 Softball
HOLD, WATCH, BRACE, BEGIN, ROCK, 12:00, JUMP, CRACK, SHUFFLE, LOOK, WATCH, RUN, DOWN, SLIDE, and then jump up because you are SAFE!

Yay :)

I just got home from an amazing softball contitioning. First off, we warmed up with some laps and pyrometric warm-ups. We did some sort of rotation with different stations, there was 6 stations and two rotations within the stations... oi! :) My first station (partner is the sexy Hannah lol) was the push-ups with one hand on a medicine ball and the other on the ground. Do that for a minute, and then switch the medicine ball to the other hand. Next station was sit-ups with your feet off the ground, next was touching a kettle bell (35 pounds) to the ground while standing on one foot. (might I add that I about fell over hehe), and then switch legs after one minute... just proved to me that I need some balance! :) Next station was pressing the kettle bell up and over your head. Next to last was standing on two platforms and doing deep squats with the kettle bell, and the last station was swinging the kettle bell and "tossing" it to the other hand while doing squats.. or something like that :). Then we did some agility things with a rope ladder.. yay, I sucked at that! But I tried :)

** Mass props to Savannah, and especially Gretchen, Ansley, and Elizabeth for being so awesomely amazing and athletic. :) You guys are soooo inspiring. hehe Love youuuuu!!! (Thanks for not making fun of mee!! jk~! <3)

Hannah would have to wait for her friend to pick her up from the Warehouse (or Sports complex for all you newbies.. whatever hehe), so I took her to Dairy Queen for some treats. She got a fudgebar (that was freezer burnt oi!! I got a good old-fashioned Dilly bar.. Mmmm :) But when I finally got home I ended up eating a leftover brownie from yesterday's meal. hehe It was sooooo gooooooooddd. I love chocolate.. I wish it was good for meeeeee. :(

And that was generally my after school day! :)

To a certain someone who sat next to me in the library for about 3 minutes... check your H:\ drive tomorrow for a nifty little suprise. :)

Now I'm home and preparing my brain to study for the remainder of my night... yay?? If you wanna call me, call me LATE - seriously.

posted by Emmerzz @ Tuesday, December 18, 2007   0 comments
Whoa Fire!
Man... my eyes are BURNING. I'm suppose to take my 2nd to last Latin test over unit four (Chapters 18-21) and whoa... I'm so lost on it.. I've been studying for about 3 1/2 hours straight tonight. I have studied it before, of course. I should've studied it harder over the weekend.. but Satuday.. I just fell asleep and didn't wake up.. so I guess I needed the sleep and Sunday I hung out at youth pretty much all day after church and then went to Laura Foley's piano concert (AMAZING BTW!!) so... My weekend just slipped on by..

hmmm So I think I'm going to take the test on Wednesday because seriously, I need one more day... well technically I would like another week to digest the material, but I know that is impossible.. hmm.!

Ehh so I "attempted" several times to delete my Myspace.. yeah.. not working.. I dunno.

***HEY!!! MOVIES ON THURDAY!! We're going to go see 'I am Legend" at 9:35pm!!! My sissy saw it and said that it was very bitter and sad... which means... all my friends will be priviledged to see me cry my eyes out! hehe :) Aren't they special??

I'm so tired..

Well more of a lonely/brain hurting/cold kind of feeling.

Oi, but I'm not sleepy.. just burnt out on Latin

Okay, enough of computer for me tonight because my eyes can't take it.

posted by Emmerzz @ Monday, December 17, 2007   0 comments
An alternative
Well, so tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to delete my Myspace account, so I know that you all will be very depressed and have random anxiety attacks. But, you will have to overcome this newly but strange feeling of detachment from my personal page.

First off, I am tired of stalking you. Yeah, I know you think you're all that amazing and all, but yeah... I just need to move on. No more silly Myspace addiction for me!! I'm going to have more of a life, have more fun, hang out MORE, and not waste my time just staring at a freakin computer screen decorated in Myspace attire.

Andrew, if you happen to visit this page, which you SHOULD NOT BE DOING because it will make you angry, but I'm typing whatever I feel because this is my little space and I'm writing honestly. SO GO AWAY, LEAVE THIS PAGE. I'm very mad at you. You make me gag. You make me want to be violent and strangle you. That is not very happy and fluffy feelings, but you will have to get over it because you broke and twisted my heart oh-so-painfully... and I'm pure out FEMALE. I get hurt, I will recover, but in the mean time... you are nothing but a man-whore. I guess you were telling the truth when we were going out. Too bad I didn't pay attention because I was so caught up in you at the time.

See how upset I am?? I'm actually being IMMATURE on a blog.. Just for YOUUU. Are you being entertained??

So, you want me to make a "mistake"?? Want something that you can talk down on me with ?? How about this blog? Here's your cherry on top. Eat it, be happy.


I'll be your little idiot ex girlfriend if that enhances the quality of your consciousness.

Catch you later~!!!


-Emily Shirley~!
posted by Emmerzz @ Sunday, December 16, 2007   0 comments
My new home
andrew rice is a man-whore.
posted by Emmerzz @ Sunday, December 16, 2007   0 comments
about me
My Photo
Location: Harrodsburg, KY, United States

Hey, I'm Emily!! I'm a senior at Mercer County Senior High. (I <3 lead singers hehe) I love to paint, play music, swim, and play SOFTBALL. Varsity baby~! My life is pretty interesting.. I really do love it. I'm opening up a visual art studio soon - Studio Firefly in the Fort Harrod Motel. Yay! I'll keep you alerted!!

Blog Entries
Fav. Girls <3
Kelsey, Amberly, Jessica, Natasha, Nikki, Casey, Conner, Staci, Hannah, Savannah, Alisha, Sarah

Fav. Boys <3
Philip, Roger, Justin, Stash, Marcus, Milam, Bugg

More.. later :)
