My soul longs for you
My soul longs for you
Nothing else will do
Nothing else will do.

Spin around spin around open your mouth breath in breath in inhale the life inhale the life shining shining spin around spin around fall down fall down open your mouth sing sing spin around spin around praise praise wake up wake up wake up spin around fall down spin fall spin fall


I went to Kansas City, Kansas for a 4 day woship/praise/prayer experience conference sponsered by the International House of Prayer. It has really revived me. At IHOP, they have a prayer room that has worship and prayer non-stop 24/7, and the singers and musicians rotate seamlessly in 2-hour shifts. Man... it is something to be in a place packed with people, everyone praising God to the highest and lifting their souls up in prayer.

My first day there, I was really intimidated by the atmosphere.. it seemed like everyone had more love in their heart than I did, and I almost felt out of place. People were skipping, jumping around, dancing to their hearts' content, speaking in tongues, praying in loud soulfull voices, crying out to God, raising their hands up, shaking, fasting, and kneeling down..

It warmed me up.

The second day, I felt more comfortable around them, but something was still off in my heart. Dear Lord, please help me, please help me! I want to serve you! I want you to put your hand upon me, I want to worship you without holding back!! Light up your fire in me Lord! Light me up, I want to serve you! I want my soul to be yours! I would pray silently in the midst of the cries of the 20,000 people surrounding me..

The third day, I wanted to worship, but I was holding back. I could only raise up my voice, but my body would not move. It was refusing to break down and be more exposed to the Lord, and all I could do was pray and repeat the words on the jumbotron.

The fourth day, New Years Eve, The Call was in the mainstage and held a 12-hour praying/fasting/worshipping experience from 12pm to 12am. I decided to fast and stay in the room for the 12 hours like sooooo many others.

I decided to seperate myself from our small group when we entered the mainstage room.

I went close to one of the walls where some people were scattered about dancing and praising, and praying to God Almighty the point of tears. A place where my group couldn't see me. My worship.. was personal to me.

I closed my eyes and I joined in. I danced and jumped and yelled and even prayed out loud.. with a strong voice - I had never felt so sure about God in my life. Being with those people, praying with them on issues such as abortion, the spread of prayer houses, AIDs and other sicknesses, the upcoming elections, and so forth. We prayed for eachother, and laid our hands upon ourselves. God was in that place.

I could feel him.

I could feel how much love he had for me and all of his creations.

And I broke down...


I bought me a journal with a bible verse on the bottom of each of the pages. I've started a prayer journal... I can't even think of why I had neglected praying in the first place.

I love you so much. Please heal my soul and give me strength to lift you up in everything I do. Amen.


On the 12-hour fast when I was worshipping, the Lord told me to tell select people that he loves them... So I texted or called the people, and probably weirded them out.. but when a feeling like that hits you.. all you can do is bow down.


If I've contacted you in the last couple of days, know that the Lord loves you sooo much and will always be there to listen to you when you are down and when you are happy, praise his name - because he loves his creations. He love you. And he will never let you down. He wants you to come to him when everything is falling apart around you and he wants you to dance out of pure joy and happiness. He wants you so much. He will not abandon you.

posted by Emmerzz @ Wednesday, January 02, 2008  
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Location: Harrodsburg, KY, United States

Hey, I'm Emily!! I'm a senior at Mercer County Senior High. (I <3 lead singers hehe) I love to paint, play music, swim, and play SOFTBALL. Varsity baby~! My life is pretty interesting.. I really do love it. I'm opening up a visual art studio soon - Studio Firefly in the Fort Harrod Motel. Yay! I'll keep you alerted!!

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